Chicken With Flax & Peas
Ingredients: Chicken, flaxseed, peas, sunflower lecithin, vegetable oil, gelatin, maltodextrin, molasses, vegetable glycerin, sorbic acid

Duck With Cherries & Coconut
Ingredients: Duck, tapioca, pea flour, sunflower lecithin, vegetable oil, flaxseed, gelatin, cherries, maltodextrin, molasses, vegetable glycerin, eggs, brewers yeast, coconut oil, sorbic acid

Pumpkin With Flax & Cinnamon
Ingredients: Pumpkin, flaxseed, yellow peas, chickpeas, sunflower lecithin, vegetable oil, gelatin, maltodextrin, molasses, vegetable glycerin, sorbic acid, cinnamon

Ingredients: Flaxseed, yellow peas, chickpeas, sunflower lecithin, vegetable oil, gelatin, maltodextrin, molasses, vegetable glycerin, sorbic acid, spinach, avocado, tomato, cranberries, blueberries, broccoli, barley grass, blue-green algae, pomegranate, sweet potato

Turkey With Flax & Cranberries
Ingredients: Turkey, tapioca, pea flour, sunflower lecithin, vegetable oil, flaxseed, gelatin, cranberries, maltodextrin, molasses, vegetable glycerin, eggs, brewers yeast, sorbic acid